Don't Screw Up Your Dog - Avoid the Top 12 Mistakes Dog Parent's Make
One of these little mistakes cost a dog parent well over $5,000...
So many of my clients come to me with serious dog behavior and health issues, I decided to write the book on the most common mistakes people make with their dogs.
Most of the problems people have with their dogs come from these 12 most common - and very costly - mistakes. Once you know what they are, you can easily avoid making them, and save you and your dog a whole lot of heartache.
Does your furrkid ever embarrass you, make you sad or frustrate you?
They're sending out SOS signals every day when they're in distress, feeling blue, are in pain or have something they need to tell you.
Treat yourself and your dog to my insider secrets!
Don't Screw Up Your Dog - Avoid the Top 12 Mistakes Dog Parent's Make